4/33 Apollo Drive, Mairangi Bay

A first-floor road office unit which was completed in 2004. The unit is held on strata title and enjoys a prime road front position within a substantial multi unit office complex in Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay.

The property is placed within the Mairangi Bay/North Harbour region which is a relatively new although established Business locality which enjoys a central position in relation to the surrounding and expanding North Shore urban areas. Situation is at No 33 Apollo Drive, which is on its northernmost side approximately 200 metres east of its roundabout intersection with Antares Place. Apollo Drive at this point an ample width sealed carriageway with concrete kerbing, footpaths, grass berms, full underground city services and overhead street lighting. Apollo Drive is a principal thoroughfare for the region linking through to Rosedale Road, accordingly traffic flow along the road is of a steady, light intensity, increasing to heavy during peak hours.

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